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Calamity Makeup Teach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes
Part 1
New media artist wants people to answer questions with photos - Raghava KK is part of the tectonic shifts that have lead to the overlapping between technology and art. His latest app Flipsicle where people reply to public questions with photographic answers has managed to gain $ 2 million in funding without ever making a business plan. In an exclusive interview with Krishna Bahirwani, Raghava.
Calamity Makeup Teach To Be Happy Birthday
1. What is Helena doing while her mother is looking for her? She is drawing in a paper.
2. What is the dialogue for the first scene with the sock puppets? White sock: I’m queen of everything, in this part of town. I’m queen of the city, and queen of the towns, and queen of the soul of freaky things. And everyone here says: Oh she is such a wonderful queen, and not every embarrassing at all senile and ghosts score. There’s nothing to worry about except.
Calamity Makeup Teach To Be Happy Wishes
Black sock: Ha! But I am the queen of evil and I must warn you, You cannot escape my calamity of black magic puppets!
3. Look at your answers for #1 and #2. Who do you think the sock puppets represent? The mom and Helena.
4. How does Helena feel about living her father’s dream? Helena feels about his father dream that it is to her to become a great circer not good because she says that she wants to have a real life
5. List all the things you can think of that make the movie different from the book.
The puppets are not on the book.