Class Notes And Homework Handoutsmac's History

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Class Notes And Homework Handoutsmac's History Pdf

This week in class we will be working on a DBQ essay that reviews what we've learned over the last two weeks. All of the work will be done in class, so it's important that you're there each day. It will also be your first big assessment grade of the first marking period.

Homework #5 and #6

Since we are doing a DBQ essay in class this week, homework will consist of two current events articles (marked out of 4 total points, 2 points each). Please staple your HW if it's on separate pages. The HW is due by Friday 9/27.
Here is a link to some websites where you can find student-friendly articles:Choice
Link to current events news sitesClass notes and homework handoutsmac
ClassYou may also use an article off the NEWSELA site if you'd like.
You may chose any article that interests you(please no sports/entertainment articles).
As for the format of your responses, please use the following:
Name: ____________________________________________ Class: ______________
Title of article: ____________________________________________________
Source: _________________________________________________________
Author: _________________________________________________________
- (Summarize) This article was mostly about (2-3 sentences)
- Two things I learned from this article were (2 sentences)
- One way I could relate to this article (1 sentence)
- One question I have is (1 sentence)
ClassClass Notes And Homework HandoutsmacFYI: Here's a quick little summation of what we've reviewed over the last 2 weeks (for reference or to study from)
Civil War Ends (1865)
13th- Abolished all slavery (1865)
14th- Everyone had equal protection under the law(regardless of race) (1868)
15th- No man can be denied right to vote (women can’tvote,yet) (1870)
Black Codes- Restricted civil rights of Freedmen after the CivilWar
Jim Crow Laws- Enforced segregation laws in the South and Midwest(1877-1950’s)

Class Notes And Homework Handoutsmac's History Textbook

Plessy Vs. Ferguson (1898)- SCOTUS decision that legalized segregation ('separate but equal')
Ku Klux Klan- Hate group who terrorized African Americans and otherminorities (1865-1871)

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