Unit 4 Contextual Applicationsap Calculus

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Contextual Applications of the Derivative – Unit 4 Lin McMullin / September 22, 2020 Unit 4 covers rates of change in motion problems and other contexts, related rate problems, linear approximation, and L’Hospital’s Rule. 4.08 Unit 4 Review. 5.01 Closed Interval Optimization. 5.02 Economic Optimization. 5.03 Implicit Derivation. AP Calculus AB‎ ‎Unit 05‎ ‎ 5.


CHA-3 Derivatives allow us to solve real-world problems involving rates of change.


Unit 4 contextual applicationsap calculus 1

Topic Name

Essential Knowledge

4.1 Interpreting the Meaning of the Derivative in Context


CHA-3.A Interpret the meaning of a derivative in context.

CHA-3.A.1 The derivative of a function can be interpreted as the instantaneous rate of change with respect to its independent variable.
CHA-3.A.2 The derivative can be used to express information about rates of change in applied contexts.
CHA-3.A.3 The unit for is the unit for f divided by the unit for x.
Unit 4 contextual applicationsap calculus 2

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Endless zombie rampage. At Just the Right Time A good problem

Unit 4 Contextual Applicationsap Calculus 1


4.2 Straight Line Motion: Connecting Position, Velocity, and Acceleration


CHA-3.B Calculate rates of change in applied contexts.

CHA-3.B.1 The derivative can be used to solve rectilinear motion problems involving position, speed, velocity, and acceleration.

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Unit 4 Contextual Applicationsap Calculus 2

Question?official speedsters!. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

4.3 Rates of Change in Applied Contexts Other than Motion


CHA-3.C Interpret rates of change in applied contexts.

CHA-3.C.1 The derivative can be used to solve problems involving rates of change in applied contexts.

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4.4 Introduction to Related Rates


CHA-3.D Calculate related rates in applied contexts.

CHA-3.D.1 The chain rule is the basis for differentiating variables in a related rates problem with respect to the same independent variable.
CHA-3.D.2 Other differentiation rules, such as the product rule and the quotient rule, may also be necessary to differentiate all variables with respect to the same independent variable.

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Related Rates Problems 1

Related Rate Problems II

Good Question 9 Baseball and Related Rates


Unit 4 contextual applicationsap calculus 1
4.5 Solving Related Rate Problems


CHA-3.E Interpret related rates in applied contexts.

CHA-3.E.1 The derivative can be used to solve related rates problems; that is, finding a rate at which one quantity is changing by relating it to other quantities whose rates of change are known.

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Related Rates Problems 1 Super mario crossover 3.

Related Rate Problems II

Good Question 9 Baseball and Related Rates


4.6 Approximating Values of a Function Using Local Linearity and Linearization


CHA-3.F Approximate a value on a curve using the equation of a tangent line.

CHA-3.F.1 The tangent line is the graph of a locally linear approximation of the function near the point of tangency.
CHA-3.F.2 For a tangent line approximation, the function’s behavior near the point of tangency may determine whether a tangent line value is an underestimate or an overestimate of the corresponding function value.

Blog Posts

Local Linearity The graphical manifestation of the derivative


Unit 4 contextual applicationsap calculus 1


LIM-4 L’Hospital’s Rule allows us to determine the limits of some indeterminate forms.


4.7 Using L’Hospital’s Rule for Determining Limits of Indeterminate Forms


LIM-4.A Determine limits of functions that result in indeterminate forms.

LIM-4.A.1 When the ratio of two functions tends to or in the limit, such forms are said to be indeterminate.
LIM-4.A.2 Limits of the indeterminate forms or may be evaluated using L’Hospital’s Rule.

EXCLUSION STATEMENT: There are many other indeterminate forms, such as , for example, but these will not be assessed on either the AP Calculus AB or BC Exam. However, teachers may include these topics, if time permits.

Blog Posts

Determining the Indeterminate 1

Determining the Indeterminate 2 Same name, different post. Examining an implicit relation

Locally Linear L’Hôpital Demonstrating L’Hôpital’s Rule (a/k/a L’Hospital’s Rule)


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